2023近现代建筑历史与理论研讨会·南京 – 活动发布 – 活动Q


 2023 近现代建筑历史与理论研讨会 

Forum on Modern Architectural History and Theory 2023


  Construction & Heritage  

主办单位 Host



Southeast University

Key Laboratory of Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation of Ministry of Education

会议时间 Time




Introduction of Speakers and Their Lectures



潘 玥  Yue PAN

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 副教授

Associate Professor, College of Architecture & Urban Planning, Tongji University

讲题  风土建筑的保护与再生:建造行为与遗产价值认知相互作用之诠释

Conservation and Regeneration of Vernacular Architecture:On the Interaction between Construction Behavior and Heritage Value Cognition


刘 晖  Hui LIU

华南理工大学建筑学院 副教授

Associate Professor, School of Architecture, South China University of Technology

讲题  技术转移和本土响应:广州工人新村规划与建造的两条线索

Technology Transfer & Local Response: Two Clues for the Planning and Construction of Workers’ New Residence in Guangzhou


许东明  Dongming XU

挪威科技大学跨学科文化研究系 高级研究员

Senior Research Fellow, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

讲题  从建筑保护到文化保护——世界遗产地勒罗斯矿区所见与所思

From Architectural Conservation to Cultural Preservation: A Case Study of the World Heritage Røros Mining Town, in Understanding the Modern and Industrial Heritage Conservation in Norway


唐 莉  Li TANG

昆明理工大学建筑与城市规划学院 讲师

Lecturer, Faculty of Architecture & City Planning, Kunming University of Science and Technology

讲题  遗产价值的建造维度:从近现代昆明“云纺”锯齿形厂房谈起

The Construction Dimension of Heritage Value: Starting from the Zigzag Roof Building in Yunnan Textile Factory in Modern Kunming


张光玮  Guangwei ZHANG

北京国文琰文化遗产保护中心  文保建筑师

Heritage Preservator, Cultural Heritage Conservation Center of Beijing Guowenyan (CHCC)

讲题  交织的时空——当代遗产保护实践下的近代建筑

Interwoven Time and Space: An Observation of Modern Architecture in a Perspective of the Conservation Practice of Contemporary Heritage


郑红彬  Hongbin ZHENG

汕头大学长江艺术与设计学院 副教授

Associate Professor, Cheung Kong School of Art & Design, Shantou University

讲题  建成遗产的结果呈现、建造历史与价值评估——以上海三一教堂为例

Presentation, Construction and Evaluation of Built Heritage: Taking the Holy Trinity Church in Shanghai as an Example


宿新宝  Xinbao SU

华东建筑设计研究院有限公司历史建筑保护设计院  高级建筑师

Senior Architect, Historic Building Protection Design Institute of East China Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd

讲题  西风东渐中的上海营造:近代建筑技术及其特征的价值认知

The Construction of Shanghai under the Influences of the West on the East: The Value Cognition of Modern Architectural Technology and Its Characteristics


侯 实  Shi HOU

复旦大学文物与博物馆学系 讲师

Lecturer, Department of Cultural Heritage and Museology, Fudan University

讲题  价值在行动中产生并变化——重庆聚兴诚银行的建造、遗产化与保护历程

Values Generated and Shaped by Actions: the Construction, Heritagization and Conservation of Young Brothers Banking Corporation Building in Chongqing

Introduction of Guests

赵 辰  Chen ZHAO

南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授

Professor, School of Architecture & Urban Planning, Nanjing University


沈 旸  Yang SHEN

东南大学建筑学院 教授

Professor, School of Architecture, Southeast University


朱晓明  Xiaoming ZHU

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授

Professor, School of Architecture & Urban Planning, Tongji University


钱 毅  Yi QIAN

北方工业大学建筑与艺术学院 副教授

Associate Professor, School of Architecture & Art, North China University of Technology


Thomas Coomans

比利时鲁汶大学建筑系 教授

Professor, Department of Architecture, KU Leuven / University of Leuven


陆 地  Di LU

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 副教授

Associate Professor, School of Architecture & Urban Planning, Tongji University


彭长歆  Changxin PENG

华南理工大学建筑学院 教授

Professor, School of Architecture, South China University of Technology


冷 天  Tian LENG

南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 副教授

Associate Professor, School of Architecture & Urban Planning, Nanjing University


郭华瑜  Huayu GUO

南京工业大学建筑学院 教授

Professor, College of Architecture, Nanjing Tech University


张 鹏  Peng ZHANG

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授

Professor, School of Architecture & Urban Planning, Tongji University


谭刚毅  Gangyi TAN

华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授

Professor, School of Architecture & Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology


冯 棣  Di FENG

重庆大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授

Professor, School of Architecture & Urban Planning, Chongqing University

Introduction of Host

陈 薇  Wei CHEN

东南大学建筑学院 教授

Professor, School of Architecture, Southeast University


李海清  Haiqing LI

东南大学建筑学院 教授

Professor, School of Architecture, Southeast University


李新建  Xinjian LI

东南大学建筑学院 教授

Professor, School of Architecture, Southeast University





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