第九届结构工程师世界大会(SEWC 2025)·上海 – 活动发布 – 活动Q

第九届结构工程师世界大会(SEWC 2025)·上海


(SEWC 2025)


(4月17-18日  中国·上海)


Organized by


Tongji University 


Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.

SEWC 中国团组

SEWC China Group


Co-organized by


Journal of Building Structure




首届SEWC于1998年在美国旧金山召开,这次会议全面覆盖了结构工程技术创新与专业实践等各个方面,第二届至第八届依次在日本(2002)、印度(2007)、意大利(2011)、新加坡(2015)、墨西哥(2017)、土耳其(2019)、韩国(2023)召开。基于此,第九届结构工程师世界大会(SEWC 2025)将于2025年4月17-18日在上海召开,旨在进一步深化国际间的紧密合作,促进全球范围内最新技术进展交流与思想碰撞。此外,本届大会同时提供了探索上海这座现代化都市的宝贵机会,上海位于中国长江入海口,因高耸的摩天大楼建筑群、宏伟的跨江大桥、丰富的博物馆藏及艺术画廊闻名遐迩,以开放的风土人情和众多丰富的美食吸引着世界各地的游客。


The Structural Engineers World Congress (SEWC) is dedicated to the Art, Science and Practice of Structural Engineering. The SEWC aims to cover major aspects pertaining to contemporary technical and professional issues affecting the structural engineering profession worldwide and to highlight the profession’s impact and its interface with the societies. It gives an excellent platform for structural engineering professionals to interact with each other and to learn more about what is happening in the world of structural engineering now and the trends in the future. The first SEWC was held in San Francisco in 1998, which was the first international congress covering all aspects of structural engineering, both technical and professional practice issues. The 9th SEWC is now proposed to promote international collaborations and to facilitate exchange and discussion of the up-to-date information on the techniques of each country. In addition, the 9th SEWC offers an ideal opportunity to visit Shanghai, a modern-day city perched at the mouth of the Yangtze River with its collection of skyscrapers, bridges, museums and art galleries, and of course good food and entertainment.

The congress is intended to gather researchers and practitioners world-wide with the background in engineering disciplines related to structure who will share the latest results of research and successful case studies. The theme of the congress is structural engineering for a resilient city.


Scopes and Topics

包括但不限于(include, but are not limited to):

1.建筑与桥梁设计及施工 Building and bridge design and construction

2.特殊结构 Special structures

3.新材料  New materials

4.新理论  New Theories

5.信息技术与人工智能技术  ITC and AI technology

6.既有结构的改造与加固 Retrofitting of existing structures

7.结构健康监测  Structural health monitoring

8.结构设计的规范、法规和指南 Codes, regulations, guidelines for the design of structures

9.防灾减灾  Disaster prevention and mitigation

10.全球变暖/气候变化预防 Global warming/climate change prevention


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