第五届华西国际护理学术大会·成都 – 活动发布 – 活动Q


第五届华西国际护理学术大会“聚智精准护理 筑建学科高峰 共促全球健康”

The 5th West China International Nursing Conference

“Gather Wisdom for Precision Nursing  Build Discipline Peak  Promote Global Health”

随着WHO提出的“全民健康覆盖”全球战略的深入推进,在健康中国建设、构建人类健康共同体的进程中,护士群体维护人类健康的作用愈发凸显,护理学科的发展也面临着全新的机遇与挑战。With the deepening of the global strategy of “universal health coverage” proposed by WHO, the role of nurses in safeguarding human health has become increasingly prominent during the process of building a healthy China and a shared community of health for all, and the development of nursing discipline is facing new opportunities and challenges.


On the occasion of the 108th birthday of West China Nursing, West China School of Nursing, Sichuan University will hold The 5th West China International Nursing Conference in Chengdu, the beautiful “Land of abundance” on September 22-23, 2023. At that time, well-known experts at home and abroad will be invited to give cutting-edge keynote speeches, discuss the development of nursing discipline, focus on the forefront of nursing, and work together to promote human health. We welcome nursing colleagues at home and abroad to attend the conference.

一、征文范围Scope of Solicitation

1. 精准护理与医工交叉研究2. 老年慢病护理

3. 加速康复外科护理

4. 妇幼护理

5. 口腔护理与健康

6. 安宁疗护

1. Research of precision nursing and interdisciplinary medicine and engineering

2. Geriatric and chronic disease nursing

3. Nursing of enhanced recovery after surgery

4. Maternity and child nursing

5. Oral nursing and health

6. Palliative care

二、征文要求Requirement for the submissions

1.内容要求1.1 论文要求具有科学性、创新性、实用性、先进性,重点突出。文字准确、精炼、通顺。

1.2 中英文摘要投稿。摘要内容应包括背景、目的、方法、结果、结论;关键词:3-5个;不超过800字。

1. Requirement for the content

1.1 The paper should be scientific, innovative, practical, advanced, and with focal points. The written expression should be accurate, concise, and fluent.

1.2 Please submit Abstract in English. The abstract should include Background, Purpose, Method, Result, Conclusion, with 3-5 keywords; no more than 800 words.

2. 稿件格式

摘要一律为 word 格式,中文文字用宋体,英文文字用Times New Roman字体,小四号字,1倍行距排版(文责自负)。

2. Format

Please submit English papers in Word format, type face should be Times New Roman and word size should be small four-point, line space should be single space. The writer(s) is responsible for the paper.

3. 投稿方式



4. 截稿日期2023 年 7月30 日24:00, 逾期网上投稿系统将关闭。

4 Deadline

24:00 on July 30, 2023. The online submission system will be closed after that time.

5. 稿件录用


5 Accept

The submissions will be reviewed by experts. The submission will be included in the electronic compilation of papers and the author(s) will be invited to the conference for academic exchange if the submission is accepted( for oral presentation, poster, and collection of papers).

三、会议时间、地点、费用Conference date、Venue、Fee

1. 会议时间注册时间:2023年9月21日


1 Conference date

Registration date: September 21, 2023

Conference date: September 22-23, 2023


2. 会议地点


2 Conference Venue

Jinjiang Hotel (No.80, Section 2, Renmin South Road, Jinjiang District,Chengdu Sichuan Province, China)


3. 会议费用

境内代表人民币1280元,学生人民币800元;境外代表US$400 ,学生US$200。食宿自理。


3 Conference Fee

RMB 1,280 for domestic participators and RMB 800 for students; US$ 400 for overseas participators and US$200 for students.

Accommodation and food are on your own.

The registration fee will be collected by West China Medical Technology Transfer Center and an electronic invoice will be issued.


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